25 Tips To Boost Your Facebook Marketing Strategy

Written by Karlyne Zovitsky

With almost three billion Facebook users, your Facebook Marketing Strategy needs to cut through the newsfeed clutter now more than ever.

How To Create A Successful Facebook Marketing Strategy

More than increasing brand awareness, Facebook is a platform used to generate engagement and build customer relationships. Companies that mainly push out self-serving marketing messages with little value will, actually, see a major decrease in organic distribution. We want to help you create the best Facebook Marketing Strategy that will get you results.

In order to be successful, brands need to try a little harder to engage and interact with their audiences, while also encouraging their audience to engage with each other. Some companies may be tempted to implement a Facebook Marketing Strategy to ‘game the system’ by creating low-quality content which encourages comments, tagging or sharing – with little value created. These strategies are called ‘engagement baiting’ and has been picked up by Facebook. Facebook has since developed a machine learning model designed to detect different types of engagement bait and remove them from the Newsfeed.

Facebook Marketing Strategy

So, how do you keep your audience listening and interacting with your Facebook channel, without using ‘engagement baiting’?

We’ve got a few tips on content ideas that you can use in your Facebook Marketing Strategy to build substantial communities.


Content Types to include in your Facebook Marketing Strategy

Content Type 1: Ask Your Audience

The days of creating a funny meme that receives a bunch of likes to ‘go viral’ are behind us. This is great news, after all. Few people enjoy seeing their Newsfeed flooded with low-quality click bait, so by demoting these in the Newsfeed, Facebook is making it easier for legitimate companies producing interesting information to be seen.

When posting to Facebook, be careful to not accidentally start producing engagement bait through the questions you ask. For example: Don’t ask yes/no questions or try to illicit low-value engagement. Instead, create relevant content and ask meaningful questions that spur community conversation.

Another way of using “ask your audience” content is to use fill-in-the-blank type posts.

Fill-in-the-blanks and questions will get your fans responding and thus increase your engagement. It gives the audience a chance to take a quick break during the day and answer a question in any way they’d like. Sometimes fill in the blank questions follow a theme relating to industry news or brand specific content, other times they can be totally random yet 100% effective.

A few examples of ‘Fill-in-the-blank’ posts to try on Facebook:

The first [YOUR BRAND] product I ever bought was __________.
[YOUR BRAND] has changed the way I __________.
The first word that pops into my head when I think of [YOUR BRAND] is __________.
The one word that best describes my workday today is ___________.
If I could snap my fingers and be CEO of any company, I’d be CEO of __________.
My favourite holiday is Christmas because __________.
The ideal number of drinks on New Year’s Eve is _____.
The craziest thing I witnessed this year was __________.
The one new skill I want to learn this year is __________.


Content Type 2: Case studies/Testimonials

We rely on testimonials every day. Your friend might rave about a new coffee shop, and you might head online to check out their social platforms and end up treating yourself to find out if the hype is real. Your co-worker says he’s so much more productive when he uses a certain tool, so you sign up for a trial.

The reason we try new things is because we’re excited about a better outcome. But, at the same time there’s also a risk in trying something new.

Testimonials from friends and people we trust seem to eliminate some of that risk. In turn, they lower the chances of “trial and error.” As a brand, you want to include testimonials in your Facebook Marketing Strategy.

Customers have proven time and time again to read other customers’ experiences with your product or service before making a purchasing decision. You want to be right up there with the five stars or the customers publicly endorsing your brand. If you’re looking for engagement that lead to conversions, it is of the utmost importance to include case studies or testimonials in your Facebook Marketing Strategy.


Content Type 3: Quizzes

Sometimes Facebook users are just looking for some entertaining content. No news, products or relating content, but simply content that entertains them or brings them some enjoyment during the day. If you’re wondering what kind of quiz your audience is most likely to take and share, start by looking at the most popular content you’ve created. Have you created a guide or infographic that got a lot of share traffic? Is there a blog post on your site that was wildly successful – or at least brought you a respectable amount of attention?

Quizzes (and the results) must be meaningful. You might be thinking how this fits into your Facebook Marketing Strategy, right? Well, the whole story, questions, answers and results must make people believe that everything applies to them personally. As Buzzfeed’s Summer Burton said: “For our most viral quizzes, the results have to be meaningful in some way. It’s not that they are scientific. It’s just that what they say means something to people as far as their own identity.”

Personality and Knowledge Quizzes are nothing new yet seem to work for Facebook audiences.

For example, Florists could create a quiz with questions surrounding; What’s her favourite colour? Which ice cream would she choose?  What is her makeup style? Dresses she likes or books she reads, etc. in order to find out the answer of the quiz, “Which Flower is Your Girlfriend?”

Insurance companies could ask: How long have you had your driving license? Pick your favourite road to drive, do you skip red traffic lights or wait at the orange light? How do you feel when you’re in traffic? How often do you drive, and so on, in order to find out the answer of the quiz, “What Type of Driver Are You?”


Content Type 4: Infographics

Infographics are not only easy to share but also easy to digest. A well-made infographic can stand on its own without the context of a blog post, or it can be used to augment an article by offering the information in a visual way.

According to PR Week, Generation Z has an eight-second attention span, down from four seconds of millennials. Infographics that are shorter in length and have an aspect of motion are proven to be more engaging when trying to reach consumers. Infographics continue to prove valuable as they can be repurposed to be shared across other social platforms. For example, if you found a certain compelling statistic in your infographic, you can crop that section of the infographic and turn it into an image that people will like on Facebook or Instagram.


Content Type 5: User Generated Content

User generated content, when done right, sparks discussion and comments with our friends and peers. User-generated content in general, are making marketing more authentic – content created by customers has increased influence that marketers can’t recreate themselves.

User Generated Content can have a powerful impact on all parts of the marketing funnel, right from the awareness stage through to the conversion or sale. Now that consumers are more in control of their internet habits and are considerably more sceptical about advertising than they used to be, traditional methods of promotion are no longer cutting it. Why include it in your Facebook Marketing strategy? User generated content helps cut through the sceptical minds of consumers and offer them a trustworthy source of information about a product or service.


Content Type 6: Explanations/Tutorials

If you are launching a new product or service, or wanting to explain something to your audience, creating a tutorial or explanation video is highly beneficial to your Facebook Marketing Strategy. 98% of Facebook users say they’ve watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service. If you’re trying to explain a difficult concept, creating animated videos can bring concepts to life that no text or image can. When doing a tutorial or explainer video, sometimes a person simply explaining every detail isn’t enough to cut through the clutter. These animated videos are a great tool for learning, but is also super easy to consume, which is exactly what the modern customer wants.


Content Type 7: Video

Undoubtedly, video marketing is one of the tools you should add to your Facebook Marketing Strategy. Perhaps, you still have your doubts. Do you have enough resources to create and use them? Is it really worth considering using videos for promoting your business? The answer is simple: Yes, it is 200% worth it!

Video is one of the most versatile and profitable digital marketing tools out there. Think about it, video and mobile go hand in hand and consumers all around the world prefer watching videos on their mobile phones. Since people like to watch videos on the go, and the number of smartphone users is growing, your video audience keeps getting bigger and bigger.

But, where is your brand in all of this?

Adding video content to your Facebook Marketing Strategy can lead to some serious conversions. Video also provides good return on investment. Even though video production is not yet the easiest nor cheapest task, it pays off big time in the long run. Besides, online video editing tools are constantly improving and becoming more affordable.

Just look at your iPhone’s video quality, pretty decent, right? Video does it all. Video content is likely to engage us and ignite emotions. And when we talk about elite people in the audience, YouTubers have become the most powerful social media figures to promote brands. So, if you are serious about content marketing, you must be serious about video, too.



Content Type 8: Tips and Tricks

Your audience sees the value in your brand when you share valuable information with them. If you teach them a new trick they haven’t yet thought of, they’d be more likely to share your content with their friends.

Sharing ‘tips and tricks’ on Facebook is a huge hit if done correctly. Be careful to not give out tips that aren’t very exciting, or tips that are already well known. Rather find tips that are of real value and have the potential to make your consumer’s life a lot easier or give your them a wealth of knowledge upon reading it. For example, if you’re a travel agency, share tips that will be useful for busy travellers who can’t think of everything at once. For example, pack a hydrating face spray for a quick wash or to keep cool. Or, wrap your clothing in tissue paper to avoid wrinkling/creases.


Content Type 9: Motivation

Motivational posts are a necessity when compiling your Facebook Marketing Strategy, as these types of posts can humanise a brand. Using motivational quotes or sharing content that motivates your audience to achieve their goals can end up being shared with a wide group of different people – giving your brand the exposure it needs.


Content Type 10: Announcements

We see big announcements with sales or ground-breaking news, sometimes a re-brand or a new website. Announcements can give your brand the opportunity to share a day-by-day countdown until the day of your big announcement. Counting down creates a sense of mystery and a need to know.

Like anything, building this type of hype gets your audience excited about your brand and could have them waiting patiently until the day they find out what’s going on! You could countdown anything from five days to ten days, but just remember that no one is going to be waiting patiently for a one-hundred-day countdown, so it’s important to keep the excitement high and the audience engaged.


Content Type 11: Free Resources and Special Offers

Offering free resources via your Facebook page is a great way to show your loyalty towards your audience. Types of free resources can include free pintables or downloadable PDF’s. If you’re a design agency, try sharing free label pintables to use on storage containers in your kitchen or pantry.


Content Type 12: Job Advertisements

Including job advertisements or industry news in your Facebook Marketing Strategy is a great way to keep your audience engaged. Remember to make them look creative and intriguing. The people who apply for the job want to know that they’ll be working at an awesome place!


Content Type 13: Company Culture

Company culture posts are fantastic for prospective clients or prospective employees to take a look into life at your company. Start simply by having an employee feature or a get to know segment, feature an individual employee and say something unique about them. Other types of company culture posts can include facts or news about the happenings in the company or within your industry. There’s even Workplace Content, which captures our day-to-day, varying from meetings to conferences, company or employee news, to weekly socials on Fridays.


Content Type 14: Competitions

If they aren’t already, competitions should be added to your Facebook Marketing Strategy, pronto. Competitions are one of the easiest ways to increase engagement on Facebook (or any other social platform) because most people love being part of something and having the chance to potentially be rewarded for it.

Remember that your competitions should cater to your customers, not just potential entrants, so keep everything you do as relevant as possible. For instance, add labels when you’re addressing your target audience. Tech companies might call out for marketers, while clothing companies appeal to fashionistas.

The simpler your competition, the more engagement you might receive. In terms of Facebook competitions, the prize that you’re offering needs to be something that appeals to the people you want to connect with. If the outcome of your contests isn’t appealing enough then there’s nothing to motivate your followers to get involved. Users are also looking for easy competitions to enter that require a minimal amount of effort. If you get 2000 people to comment on your competition post, your post reach will soar through the roof, and all this for one or two prizes? Score!


Content Type 15: Challenges

Running social media challenges are great for both engagement and user generated content. One of the benefits of orchestrating an online challenge is that it gets people on board, and usually with their friends, too. Think about it: when you find something cool, you just want to share it with your friends and family, don’t you?That’s exactly the type of feeling you want to create for your challenge participants.

If you have a unique hashtag and a concept, you’re good to go. Anything from #30DayYogaChallenge to #IceBucketChallenge. The first time you run a challenge you’ll always be starting small, then things tend to pick up speed and momentum over time.

Sometimes, by the time people find out about your challenge, it’s just winding down and there are only a few days left. So be prepared to have people asking you when is the next time you’ll be running the challenge, so they too can hop onto the bandwagon. Including this in your Facebook Marketing Strategy can create some buzz and fun amongst your audience.


Content Type 16: Humour

Humour is something that helps us connect with others, and as much as we connect with our friends and families on Facebook, using humour in your Facebook Marketing Strategy will give you a one-up from other businesses.

Sharing funny things on your page can humanise your brand but also add an emotional layer to your content. And, the more you touch on emotions, the more you’ll be remembered.

Getting your story out there working for you is essential to brand building. You don’t want to sound too corporate (and bore your audience), but neither do you want to be so funny that your fans don’t take you seriously. Humour is contagious, so when you share something funny, others are encouraged to either remark or share something funny of their own – inviting great interaction on your Facebook page. Humour makes it easy for your audience to interact with your Facebook page and share content they find amusing.

It lets them know the brand appreciates their input (which helps to increase share-ability even more).


Content Type 17: E-Book

Another type of content you could share to your Facebook page are E-Books your audience might enjoy or textbooks that could be beneficial to them. If you come across valuable books relating to your industry, share it with your online audience.


Content Type 18: Social Upliftment

Sharing news from the community or charity news is always well received by Facebook audiences. Consumers like to know that there’s a heart behind a brand, and not just a product or service. If your company does any community work, even better – share this type of content on your Facebook page and you’ll start engaging with your audiences on a much deeper emotional level.


Content Type 19: Events

Nearly as many people talk about an event before the event as they talk about it during the event. What does this mean? A perfect opportunity for your brand to be posting on Facebook and generating engagement before an event takes place.

Nearly one out of 10 social media posts about an event has to do with ticket sales, this gives you the chance to post often about ticket sales. Once they’ve committed, event-goers want to convince their friends to join them at the event and a popular way to do this is by sharing their tickets across social media. If relevant, your brand needs to be right in the middle of all the exciting energy – giving your audience the chance to feed off it and start sharing!


Content Type 20: Trending Topics

Posting trending topics to Facebook is always a big hit. No matter what your industry, your audience appreciates news that’s specific to their interests. Because the topics are already trending, your brand will basically be piggy-backing off high engagement posts, making it a no brainer when adding this aspect to your Facebook Marketing Strategy. When posting about trending topics make sure the topics are relevant to your brand, you wouldn’t post about the headline talking about a wildlife attack if you’re a construction company, and so forth.


Content Type 21: Special Events

Again, this could be industry specific, but it’s extremely useful on Facebook! If you’re a bicycle brand and the Tour de France is coming up, cyclists would be interested to know the latest news about the event and any extras they may not know yet. It’s important to note that the content you share to your page does not only need to be product or service specific, but it needs to relate to the content your audience loves. Sharing a wide range of relatable content will leave a great taste in the consumer’s mouth.


Content Type 22: Quotes

People often want to stand for something, but sometimes find it hard to put those thoughts/feelings and emotions into words. In a world of connection, people feel closer to your brand when you help them understand what they’re feeling.

The same way a friend would. Have you ever had a situation where someone was able to articulate what you’ve been trying to say… but the way they said it just made you scream… “Yes! That’s it!” Quotes have the power to do this.

Quotes give us a subtle way to express our beliefs and ideals. When we like or share a quote, regardless of what it’s about (health, relationships, business, mindset, etc.), what we are ultimately saying is “this is important to me.”

If you’re going to be using quotes in your Facebook Marketing Strategy, it’s important to add some extra effort in creating quotes that stand out. Instead of just posting a quote, try creating an appealing image. Image versions usually have the ability to bring the quote to life.


Content Type 23: Holiday Greetings

One thing people love are different holidays, it’s a time of relaxation and enjoyment, but also something that is shared together, amongst all. Posting holiday greetings to Facebook are usually loved because everyone feels as if they’re a part of something bigger.

Holiday greeting content can be anything from Christmas do’s and don’ts to recipes to use on Easter. Recipe content during the holidays are great for generating engagement because they elicit responses of ‘My favourite!’ or “I added nutmeg instead of cinnamon!” If your brand isn’t that suited to recipes for example, personalise your post to say something like, ‘Our CEO makes the most delicious chocolate cake for Easter, here’s the recipe!”


Content Type 24: Behind-the-Scenes

Behind-the-scenes photos have the ability to humanise your business and help you stand out from the competition. Following the Instagram and Snapchat lead, Facebook has also taken the 24-hour story leap. Though, it is not as popular just yet, but with the number of users it is said to be a great tool to use in your Facebook Marketing Strategy.

Customers have been gravitating towards this type of content because of its ephemeral nature. This is what makes it attractive to customers, because of its lack of formality. It is also considered a more authentic channel of communication as a result. Though Facebook stories are seen as informal, don’t let that fool you. Before posting to your brand’s Facebook story there are a lot of things to tick before you do so.

First, decide what story you want to tell your audience. Sharing behind-the-scenes content about what goes on at your business is a great way to help the audience feel connected to your brand. Because stories are snippets of easily digestible content, Facebook stories are a great way to deliver short tips and quick how-to tutorials. If you’re trying to find out more about your audience, ask for your fans’ feedback and use their insights to create new products or services. In a visual dominating world, remember to decorate your stories to keep it visually interesting, using filters or stickers respectively.


And Last but Not Least, The 25th Content Type You Can Include In Your Facebook Marketing Strategy: Fun Facts

To variate through product or service specific content, fun facts are a great way to break up the content ever so slightly. Adding a ‘Did you know’ segment to your Facebook Marketing Strategy can help with this type of content, giving your audience little snippets of general knowledge specific to your brand or industry.


When compiling your Facebook Marketing Strategy, it’s important to include a few of these post ideas. Depending on the type of brand you are and the product or service you offer, you’ll be able to make a call on which of the posts listed above will act as the best fit for your audience. If you have any more questions, give us a call; we’d love to chat! Alternatively, download one of our extensive guides where we dig deeper into what to include in your digital marketing strategy.

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