
      Dynamic car dealership needs to increase car sales

      NEC is a leading car dealership in the PE area. However, to increase car sales, they had to look beyond PE. As national TV campaigns were out of budget, they had to think of out-of-the-box ways to enter new markets and find new ways to increase car sales.


      Limited advertising budget to market nationally

      In the past, NEC used traditional marketing, such as TV, radio, and newspaper ads. While these marketing channels provided a decent amount of exposure, they needed to extend their footprint to where car buyers spend their time; online.


      New website backed by a comprehensive automotive digital marketing strategy

      The lead-generating automotive digital marketing strategy that was created for NEC, allowed them to sell nationally and play to their strengths. NEC’s cutting-edge website portrayed the brand as a market leader. All marketing activities on the website were tracked to measure return on investment to ensure smart management and positive ROI as far as possible. This allowed NEC to grow their market shares outside of the Eastern Cape.


      40% of sales are outside of the Eastern Cape

      NEC’s sales increased by 30%, while 40% of those sales were outside of the Eastern Cape. NEC became a force to be reckoned with given its ability to remit sales from local to national through cutting-edge digital marketing practices.

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